Sunday, June 18, 2017

The Advantages of Streaming Live Videos and its Value in Electronic News Gathering

The transition from the 20th century to the 21st century seemed to augur well for radical changes in the world. At present, the World Wide Web is fully operational, and there is an apps explosion which means that every day, we are witnesses to the creation of new apps that generally make our digital experience awesome. Moreover, gone were the days when we have to buy CDs just to watch our favorite movies. In fact, at present, we can readily watch movies via streaming live of movies. We can also watch live streaming of great events like sports championship games and great concerts as they unfold. We simply have to wait for the scheduled streaming of these events; soon after, we can watch the events as they unfold.

Technologies like video streaming has been already here for almost several decades, but only recently did we experience the perfection of the technology. With the expansion of bandwidth and with better video streaming software, we can now view almost every major event that we would like to behold. Moreover, we could also stream live any momentous event of our lives online to the delight of our followers and friends. Furthermore, we can watch long video lectures that are performed online, and we can also behold even the landing of spacecraft on another planet online. Likewise, with streaming technology at hand, anyone can now broadcast anytime as long as one is connected to the internet.

Disadvantages and Advantages of Streaming Videos

In the past, if a person had desired to post a video online, he had to post the URL of the video online, and those who would like to watch the video would simply click then on the link to download it. But before a person could watch the video, he/she had to download completely the video. Gone were those days when you have to download completely a video before you can watch it. At present, you can simply watch an streamed video as you download it.

Another advantage of streaming video is that your video is definitely more protected from copyright infringement if you stream it. On the part of broadcasting companies, they can utilize streaming technologies to allow their news gathering team to broadcast easily anywhere and anytime. The electronic news gathering equipment of these broadcasting companies can surely facilitate the process of streaming live news feed without the need for the once cumbersome equipment of live broadcasting. It is in this aspect that streaming live videos becomes very important and useful. It definitely diminishes the burden involved in broadcasting live news, and surely gone were the days when live outdoor broadcasting of news and events were truly burdensome and cumbersome, needing tons of cables and requiring a cabal of crews.

One downside however of the streaming technology is that it requires larger bandwidth than that of simply downloading the video. Yet, most subscribers nowadays have data plans that are capable of high speed connectivity. Hence, the problem of higher bandwidth surely no longer poses as a big problem for those who would like to stream live and watch streamed videos.

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