Sunday, August 26, 2012

The News on the Go, the Connection between News and the Space Program

Have you ever thought about how news can be on a 24-hour cycle now? Have you ever considered how this news is delivered all the way back to New York or Los Angeles from halfway around the world in what seems like real time? The truth is, everyone has gotten so used to the technology very few people stop to think of the marvel that is instant television. When the space program “shut down” in the United States recently many people did not see how something like that could affect their lives. The truth is, all of the instant television people enjoy is a direct result of the actions of the space program.

Satellite uplink trucks are a big part of traveling news divisions. In order to send the information around the world, you have to utilize one of the trucks. This gives the news crew direct access to any of the satellites and helps the news crew deliver real time footage. While the satellites are often controlled in the newsroom, sometimes the trucks must change the directional output in order to get a good signal. This signal can be checked with a portable satellite TV.

For a world where we get cell phone service practically anywhere, it is hard to imagine a place that is not connected. The truth is, there are many locations not fully covered by satellite services so the satellite uplink trucks are the only way to make GPS work, telephone communications and most especially video footage. As advanced as the internet technologies have become, there is not always a great transfer rate. It is better to shoot everything into space in order to get more reliable signals. This became readily apparent when the internet was taken down in Egypt.

No matter what you might think of the news or the space program, the two will forever go hand in hand. Until they find a different way to move data quickly, the news will be dependent on the reliability of satellites, making the people dependent on such technology as well.

The Complications of Location News Reporting

There are many things that make on location news reporting difficult. There are many things you would think about off the top of your head, such as tiredness, writing on the fly, transmitting video and language barriers. In addition to these complications, knowing where to take the story next becomes even more problematic when you have to deal with producers or bosses who want to go one direction when you feel the story goes another direction.

When you are following a story it is important that you know how you are going to communicate. Often if you don’t speak the local language you have to hire an interpreter. It needs to be someone you can trust. They need to translate your questions accurately as well as the answers you are receiving. Your entire newscast can be pointless if you are getting bad information.

Cameramen are key when it comes to reporting on the scene. They not only handle all the lighting and filming but also they are in charge of the sound feed. In normal production terms, these are typically two totally separate jobs. It puts a lot of pressure on one person and the more trustworthy and knowledgeable your cameraman is the better your reports will be.

A reliable set of SNG trucks is also imperative. If you don’t have a way to transmit the footage back to the studio, you are never going to see the air. Even if you are working straight from the computer, you have to be able to connect to a satellite in order to go wide with your information. When fighting breaks out or mother nature takes over, a reliable means of transmitting information can mean the difference between filing a report and being stuck a day behind everyone else.

As you prepare to become a news reporter, consider if you are good at thinking on your feet. If you are, this might be the right way to start your journalism career, a way to prove your worth and how good you are at developing and producing stories on your own.

Stream live video on the Internet

Streaming video has changed the way business is done and even the way television is watched all over the world. Not only do you have the ability to watch live sporting events via streaming live video on the web, but you can also see news conferences or even set up virtual meetings with others who have access to video equipment. It has helped remove the need of travel and made the world a slightly smaller place as you can meet face to face from different corners of the earth.

In order to stream live video you need a few things. First, you need a server and router that can handle the speed and megabytes of the live video stream. The last thing you want to do is glitch out during your transmission. The receiver must also be in a place capable of handling streaming live video. While this might seem easy for many who live in metropolitan areas, some of the rural segments of various countries do not have the capacity to stream video successfully. This can be because of limitations on bandwidth and the numbers of the users on the system.

If you find yourself in an area not quite capable of streaming live video, you should contact your provider to find out what the bandwidth is and let them know you would like to increase the capability in your area. Most companies are currently working on such solutions, but the solutions often come faster if customers are displeased with service.

You are fighting when you stream live video with every other person on the web, playing games on the web or also watching live events or shows. Because of this, weekends and evenings usually present the biggest problem due to the fact so  many people are trying to take advantage of the service at the same time. This puts a strain on the bandwidth and causes buffering issues and other glitches that make watching live video near impossible and highly frustrating. You might find it easiest to watch such video early in the morning or in the middle of the day when others are at work.

Staying in the Know instead of the OW!

It can be easily forgotten that even in highly developed places there are patches where receiving a television signal is near to impossible. Even the switch to digital in the United States does not mean that everyone is on the path to getting current information via the free airwaves. For those, satellite TV has long been a part of their lives, but it came with a giant dish and tons of maintenance. As technology as developed, portable satellite TV has become available meaning that reporters and others in the professional world can stay in touch even when out of range.

While this might not seem like a big deal on the surface, in areas of intense fighting it can mean the difference between life and death. When people are traveling in war torn areas, a place that is one day safe might be very unsafe just a few hours later. Traveling with a portable satellite TV gives the group access to important information that can mean the difference between their safety and a total meltdown.

When tracking down a story or trying to help locals, it requires people to put themselves in harm’s way in order to get close enough to make a difference. As the portable satellite technology developed, many people did not understand how this could ever be useful. While television is generally associated with entertainment, it can be a vital source of information when you are otherwise cut off from the outside world. It is exactly this type of information that tyrannical governments try to cut their people off from in order to gain control. Just the possession of a portable satellite TV helps restore the balance.

The sharing of information has become so easy for most people, it is easy to forget how closed off parts of the country are. Technology seeks to restore balance and allow those who are lacking control over their environment some tools to help them secure their own freedom. Just like shutting down the internet in Egypt or blocking sites in China, it is clear to see that information is the key to revolution and fairness across the world.

Choosing the Right Media streaming devices

There are many different streaming video soft-wares available on the market today. This means it can be more complicated than ever to determine what makes sense for you and your needs. You need to consider why you want to stream media, what you want to do with the media and how portable you need the media to be. From there you need to determine what sizes you want the files to be available at and if you ever plan on any kind of large projection process.

Portable streaming devices include computers, cell phones, tablet computers and even certain gaming consoles. Depending on the size of your portable device, you will be limited by how high of a quality you will be able to stream. You are limited by your device as well as the internet connection you have. If the bandwidth is being overtaken and stressed, your streaming video will glitch as you use it. It can be difficult to save on certain portable devices, so if you want to save or edit video you need to verify the compatibility.

You can also stream on non-portable computers and gaming consoles. These options often help you keep your costs down and give you machines that can do many things. This helps to save space in your home. You can use your Xbox to play games as well as watch television and movies. This type of streaming combines your entertainment options into one console and cuts down your costs. You can completely get rid of a television provider and just stream media over the internet if you have a good connection. This also allows you to manipulate the video with different programs and even save your streaming video into other files and types.

Cost is also somewhat important when it comes to proper media streaming devices. There are some things you can buy that cost thousands of dollars while you can also stream on a phone that is less than hundred dollars. Of course, you have to pay for your connection unless you are using free WiFi somewhere, so that adds to the overall cost of your media services.

Becoming a Self-Sufficient Production Company

There are many things to consider when you are looking to become your own production company or to open your own production services. One of the first things you have to consider is what type of production you plan on doing. What equipment you need to have at all times versus what makes more sense to rent. Whether you are going to have a full time staff or you are going to hire contractors to get work done. No matter what direction you are going with your production company there are certain things you cannot get around.
You need productions trucks or a single truck. This is something you can use to store all your gear in and get it from place to place. There is no way to get standard production equipment from place to place in a standard car. A van or a truck with extra space in the back usually helps to give you a place to store the equipment and even to work when you are on the road.

If you plan on working in remote areas, you need to consider satellite uplink trucks. These doubles as trucks that can hold your equipment and can help you send footage back to the studio or get it up online. No matter what type of production you are doing, it is pointless if you are not able to get the information out to the masses. You need to be able to reach some sort of connect no matter where you are.

Cameras are another big part of putting together a true production package. Depending on your camera and lens package you will need to choose a lighting package that compliments what you are working with. Certain lenses require more intense lighting to process the information properly. You should work with a camera operator who enjoys the equipment you have or work with your cameraman to determine the best equipment for your price range and your needs. Spending lots of money on equipment that is not easy to use often slows down the process rather than making a quality, finished product.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Stream Video

Stream video is no longer a cause for wonder. It has become a part and parcel of our lives. Every household is familiar with sites like YouTube and Google video where audio and video is watched online without interruption.
With the advent of stream video there is no longer a need to go through the cumbersome download process every time you come across your favorite movie or song. You can simply watch or listen to them online. You can simply visit the site which archives these and play the button. Your hard disk space will also be free for more important programs.
Stream video is used for corporate networks and communications. Companies which have branches all over the world can now do more than simple video conferencing. With the help of technology productions and performances can be shown with streaming live options.
More and more broadcast companies are streaming live for their online portals. Watching news on Internet is similar to watching it on TV with stream video facilities.
Streaming live TV is the latest addition to the fold. Leading networks began with stream videos of news and images that occurred sometime earlier. But now even that has changed.  With streaming live TV news is brought to us instantly online. We can access the latest news at work even we are away from an actual television.
Stream video is a great tool for publicity and promotion. More and more companies are incorporating live video onto their websites to attract more customers or to make a more lasting impression. PR tools also keep involving with time and online PR is evolving faster every day. Stream video is a one of the great ways to ensure that you hook your audience and pull them deeper into your fold.
Not just PR but internet marketing strategies also advocates stream video for maximum footfalls and hits. One can use these videos in a promotional site and lure the audience back into their own site once the video is clicked upon.
Streaming Live has made it possible for people to attend special events and conferences from one corner of the globe to the other. It has been a great boon for the education field. With more and more people opting for online courses, streaming live allows them to attend classrooms even from a remote location. Both live and recorded lectures can be accessed by students. Both can be viewed in same the live feed quality thereby simulating the classroom environment better.


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Streaming Live Video

The technology behind streaming live video is simple. A set of compressed video files are sent via the Internet and displayed in real time. There is no need to wait for the download, the file start paying as soon as you click on it. The multimedia file is basically sent a in a continuous stream of data or waves and they play as soon as they arrive on a particular IP address. You will see a sign which says buffering in the lower portion of your screen. This suggests that the site is downloading the data and playing them at the same time. Most PCs, laptops and I pads have in-built software which can decompress this data and resend signals to audio and video channels.
Most stream videos originate from a wireless video transmitter which makes their file size small and easy to transfer over varying bandwidths. The idea is to make use of a continuous connection like TV or radio so that the end user does not have to wait for an eternity for a file to download and view.
Advantages of streaming live video
Real Time Viewing – Streaming Live Video has increased multimedia viewership online. No longer do people have to wait for large video files to download, no longer are complex software  needs to run them, and no longer are huge amounts of disk space taken away. People do not waste time in downloads and can view more videos than they did even a few years back.
Faster Internet Views – Live streaming means that you will hear the sound and view the image as soon as it downloads. This fast pace does not affect the quality in any way and you can view the video in perfect digital resolution.
Protection against media piracy – Most of the time streaming live video only runs through your intent browser but does not provide the option of downloads. This makes it difficult to copy, duplicate without authorization or tamper an original file.
Easy to monetize your media content – The lack of piracy allows the owner of the video to monetize the streaming. For a video which has high value payment might be asked for. More importantly the number of hits online can allow profitable internet marketing strategies to take effect around the video.
Track your audiences - Most stream videos are incorporated with sophisticated software which track the number of times the video has been viewed. Some even break down the data by demographics like region, age and professions to help gauge whether the video is reaching its right target audience.
Streaming live video is an essential part of today’s communication system. It covers a wide range of services from the entertainment industry to the corporate world.